University of Maryland

An Arabidopsis 2010 project to characterize pre-mRNA splicing signals
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Current ESE data file (Excel format)

Explanation of data file:


Score Explanation Percentages
5 No Detectable Skipping ~ 100% Inclusion
4 Inclusion > 16x Skipping > 94.1% Inculsion vs. < 5.9% Skipping
3 Inclusion > 8x Skipping 94.1 to 88.9% Inclusion vs. 5.9 to 11.1% Skipping
2 Inclusion > 4x Skipping 88.9% to 80% Inclusion vs. 11.1 to 20% Skipping
1 Inclusion > 2x Skipping 80% to 66% Inclusion vs. 20 to 33% Skipping
0 Inclusion equal to Skipping within 2x 66 to 33% Inclusion vs. 33 to 66% Skipping
-1 Skipping > 2x Inclusion 33 to 20% Inclusion vs. 66 to 80 % Skipping
-2 Skipping > 4x Inclusion 20 to 11.1% Inclusion vs. 80 to 88.9% Skipping
-3 Skipping > 8x Inclusion 11.1% to 5.9% Inclusion vs. 88.9 to 94.1% Skipping
-4 Skipping > 16x Inclusion < 5.9% Inclusion vs > 94.1% Skipping
-5 No Detectable Inclusion ~ 0% Inclusion
G = Data from Agarose Gel
Q = Data from Quantitative RT-PCR
I = Data from Inflorescences
L = Data from Rosette Leaves


PI,Stephen M. Mount, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dept. of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland. (email:

co-PI,Caren Chang , Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dept. of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland.

co-PI,Steven Salzberg, Ph.D., Director, Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology , University of Maryland and Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Maryland

Related Links:

ATRIUM The Arabiodopsis thaliana Research Initiative at University of Maryland
TAIR The Arabiodopsis Information Resource
CBCB The Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
TIGR db The TIGR Arabidopsis thaliana Database
The NSF Arabidopsis 2010 Project