Chaetosphaeridium Klebahn.

Classification: Eukarya, Charophyta, Charophyceae, Coleochaetales, Chaetosphaeridiaceae


Description: Microscopic algae found living on solid surfaces in still or slow moving fresh waters. Composed of branched filaments composed of spherical or ovoid cells conneced by hyaline tubes.

Cells have a single, parietal chloroplast with one (+) conspicuous pyrenoid. Each cell bears a sheathed hair formed by extension of the cell wall, with a cytoplasmic thread extruded through this sheath. The hairs can accumulate in great quantities in culture. Hairs are closely associated with the chloroplast, and the chloroplast rotates around the base of the hair. Vegetative reproduction is by formation of zoospores with two slightly subapical and lateral flagella. Reproduction has been reported to be oogamous, but has rarely been observed.


Key Literature:

Klebahn, H. 1892. Chaetosphaeridium pringseimii, novum genus et nova species algarum chlorphycearum aquae ducis. Jarb. F. W. Bot. 24:268-292.

Thompson, R.H. 1969. Sexual reproduction in Chaetosphaeridium globusum (Nordst.) Klebahn (Chlorophyceae) and description of a species new to science. J. Phycol. 5:285-290.

Plate from Klebahn 1892, scanned from a photocopy




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