Photosynthetic Life -- BSCI 348P and CBMG 688P
General Course Information and Grading

Spring 2003

MW 10:00-11:50, Room HJP 1229

Prerequisites: BSCI 106, and BSCI 230 (Cell Biology and Physiology), or consent of instructor.

Recommended courses: BSCI 370 (Introduction to Evolution).

Specializations: BSCI 348P qualifies as an upper level, non-lab course for specializations: GENB, PBIO, MICB, and BEES

Instructor: Charles F. Delwiche, 2106 H.J. Patterson Hall. Telephone: 301-405-8286

Office Hours: MW 1-2pm 1216 HJP or by appointment

Texts (also see the supplementary literature)

Course Requirements:

Homework assignments (4 @ 25 pts each)

100 pts

Midterm Exams (2)

200 pts

Final Exam

200 pts

Dates for exams and assignments are given in the syllabus.

Students are expected to participate in class discussions, and to complete all requirements for the course, including assigned reading, homework and examinations at the time indicated in the syllabus. Exams will typically be in the form of short answer and essay exams. At the instructor's discretion any of the course assignments may be offered as an oral exam (at the same level of difficulty as the original assignment). Makeup exams and assignments will be offered in accord with University of Maryland policy. The full policy on examination is published in the undergraduate catalog. Briefly, makeup exams must be scheduled in advance, and the student must inform the instructor at the earliest possible time that a makeup exam will be required. Typically arrangements for makeup exams must be made within one week of the scheduled exam.

Break points for guaranteed grades: A, 360; B, 320; C, 280; D, 240. Grading is not competitive. Thus all students who earn 360 or more points will receive an A, those with 320 a B, etc. At the instructor's discretion, the break points may be adjusted downward when grades are assigned, but will never be adjusted to give a student a lower grade than that indicated above.

Academic Integrity: Essential to the fundamental purpose of the University is the commitment to the principles of truth and academic honesty. Students are expected to maintain academit integrity at all times. For further information consult the UM Code of Academic Integrity. Cell phones, pagers, and electronic messaging devices must be turned off during class, and use of any unapproved communication device during an exam will be considered cause for disqualification on that exam or referral to the honor council.

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