Chapter 6 Metabolism: Fueling Cell Growth



Harvesting energy is essential for the life and functioning of cells. In this chapter the principles of

metabolism are presented. Enzymes are described and their role in metabolism is discussed. Specific

metabolic pathways are described with an emphasis on energy transformation. Respiration and

fermentation are discussed. Photophosphorylation and carbon fixation also are presented. Anabolic

pathways are summarized.


Learning Objectives

After studying the material in this chapter, you should be able to:

1.   Differentiate between the two components of metabolism—catabolism and anabolism.

2.  Distinguish between exergonic and endogonic reactions.

3.  Define enzyme and describe how enzymes function.

4.  Describe how enzymes are controlled by inhibition (allosteric regulation).

5.   Describe the role of cofactors and coenzymes in enzyme function.

6.   List and explain the factors influencing enzymatic activity.

7.   Distinguish between competitive and noncompetitive inhibition.

8.   Describe how the following types of organisms harvest energy:





9.  Define oxidation-reduction reactions.

10. Describe the role of electron carriers.

11. Define reducing power and explain how it is used.

12. List and describe the three ways that ATP can be produced in a cell.

13. Define metabolic pathway and list its components.

14. Define each of the following and describe what occurs in each:


  Pentose phosphate pathway

  Transition step (oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate)

  Tricarboxylic acid cycle

  Oxidative phosphorylation

15. Define cell respiration and describe where it occurs in the eukaryotic cell and in the prokaryotic cell.

16. Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration on the basis of terminal electron acceptors.

17. Define fermentation.

18. Describe precisely where ATP is made.

19. Explain why 38 ATPs can be theoretically produced from the oxidation of one molecule of glucose in

the prokaryotic cell whereas only 36 ATPs may be produced from the same process in the eukaryotic


20. Explain how lipid catabolism and protein catabolism can be integrated with carbohydrate metabolism.

21. Define photosynthesis.

22. Differentiate among the following:

  Cyclic photophosphorylation

  Non-cyclic photophosphorylation

  Calvin cycle

23. Describe how the following compounds can be synthesized through anabolic reactions:

  subunits oflipids

  amino acids


24. List the four nutritional types of microorganisms and give the energy and carbon sources for each.

Key Concepts

1.  Metabolism is all the chemical reactions that occur in a cell.

2.  Cells break down (catabolize) nutrients in a controlled manner in order to (1) obtain energy that can

be used for cellular activity and (2) obtain the biochemical units to build new molecules for use in the


3.  Cells build up (anabolism) new molecules in order to (1) store energy and (2) to make new molecules

used in cellular metabolic pathways or in cell structure.

4.  Nutrients are broken down by the central metabolic pathways which are: (1) glycolysis, (2) the

pentose-phosphate pathway and (3) the TCA (Krebs) cycle.

5.  The electron transport chain is a series of electron carrier molecules that sequentially pass electrons

from one to another in order to produce a proton motive force used to fuel the synthesis of ATP which

is the immediate source of energy used in cell activities.

6.  In aerobic respiration the terminal electron acceptor is oxygen, while in anaerobic respiration the

terminal electron acceptor is an inorganic compound other than oxygen. Aerobic respiration results in

a greater ATP yield than does anaerobic respiration.

7.  Fermentation is a process in which the terminal electron acceptor is an organic molecule. The TCA

cycle and electron transport chain are not used.

8.  Enzymes (biological catalysts) are used to catalyze chemical reactions in the cell.

9.  Bacteria vary in the kinds and numbers of enzymes that they use to synthesize various products.

Specific enzymes and products can be used in the identification of bacterial species.

10. Bacteria vary in the sources they use for energy and carbon.

Summary Outline

I.        Principles of metabolism

A.   Catabolism encompasses those processes that transform and release energy.

B.   Anabolism includes the processes that utilize energy to synthesize and assemble the building

blocks of a cell.

C.   Harvesting energy

1.     Energy is the ability to do work.

2.     The first law of thermodynamics states that the energy in a system can never be created

or destroyed.

3.     The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy always increases.

4.     Phototrophs harvest the energy of sunlight, using it to power the synthesis of organic


5.     Chemoorganotrophs transform energy by organic compounds.

6.     Free energy is the amount of energy that can be gained by breaking the bonds of a


a)    Exergonic reactions release energy.

b)    Endergonic reactions utilize energy.

D.   Components of metabolic pathways

1.      A specific enzyme facilitates each step of a metabolic pathway by lowering the

activation energy of a reaction that converts a substrate into a product.

2.     ATP is the energy currency of the cell.

a)     Substrate level phosphorylation uses the chemical energy released in an

exergonic reaction to add P; to ADP.

b)   Oxidative phosphorylation harvests the energy of proton motive force to do the

same thing.

3.     The energy source is oxidized to release its energy; this oxidation-reduction reaction

reduces an electron carrier.

4.     NAD+, NADP+, and FAD are electron carriers. Their reduced form functions as

reducing power. NADH and FADHz are used to provide electrons for the generation of

proton motive force. NADPH is used in biosynthesis.

5.     Precursor metabolites are building blocks that can be used to make the subunits of

macromolecules, but they can also be oxidized to release energy.

E.    Scheme of metabolism

1.      The central metabolic pathways are:

a)    Glycolysis

b)    The pentose phosphate pathway

c)    The tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle)

2.     Glycolysis oxidizes glucose to pyruvate, producing ATP, reducing power and precursor


3.     The pentose phosphate pathway also oxidizes glucose to pyruvate, but its primary

role is the production of precursor metabolites and reducing power essential for


4.     The transition step forms acetyl CoA, which then enters the tricarboxylic acid cycle

(TCA) cycle.

5.     Respiration uses the reducing power accumulated in the central metabolic pathways to

generate ATP by oxidative phosphorylation.

a)    Aerobic respiration uses 02 as a terminal electron acceptor.   .

b)    Anaerobic respiration uses an inorganic molecule other than 02 as a terminal

electron acceptor.

6.     Fermentation uses pyruvate or a derivative as a terminal electron acceptor rather than

oxidizing it further in the TCA cycle; this recycles the reduced electron carrier NADH.

II.        Enzymes

A.   Enzymes function as biological catalysts, which are not permanently changed during a


B.    The enzyme substrate binds to the active site or catalytic site to form a temporary

intermediate called an enzyme-substrate complex.

C.   Allosteric regulation uses an effector that binds to the allosteric site of the enzyme which in

turn alters the relative affinity of the enzyme for its substrate.

D.   Cofactors and coenzymes act in conjunction with enzymes

E.    Environmental factors that influence enzyme activity include

1.      Temperature

2.     pH

3.     salt concentration


F.    Enzyme inhibition

1.      Competitive inhibition occurs when the inhibitor competes with the normal substrate

for the active binding site.

2.     Non-competitive inhibition occurs when the inhibitor and the substrate act as different

sites on the enzyme.

III.       Catabolic pathways that fuel aerobic growth ofchemoorganotrophs

A.   Glycolysis is a nine-step pathway that converts one molecule of glucose into two molecules

ofpyruvate; the theoretical net yield is two ATP, two NADH + I-T and six different precursor


B.   Pentose phosphate pathway can generate some ATP, but its greatest significance is that it

forms NADPH and two different precursor metabolites.

C.   Transition step results in the decarboxylation and oxidization ofpyruvate, and joins the

resulting acetyl group to coenzyme A forming acetyl-Co A. This produces NADH + H~ and

one precursor metabolite.

D.   Tricarboxylic acid cycle completes the oxidation of glucose; the theoretical yield is 6

NADH + 6H+, 2FADH2, 2ATP and three different precursor metabolites.

E.    Oxidative phosphorylation

1.      The reducing power accumulated in glycolysis and the TCA cycle is used to drive the

synthesis of ATP.

2.     The electron transport chain sequentially passes electrons, and, as a result, ejects

protons; this mechanism generates the chemiosmotic gradient called the proton

motive force.

3.     ATP synthetase harvests the energy released by the electron transport chain as it

allows protons to move back across the membrane, driving the synthesis of ATP.

IV.      Catabolic pathways that fuel anaerobic growth ofchemoorganotrophs

A.   Glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathways are used anaerobically to oxidize glucose

to pyruvate.

B.   Anaerobic respiration—respiration in which an inorganic molecule other than molecular

oxygen acts as a terminal electron acceptor.

C.    Fermentation is used by organisms that cannot respire, either because a suitable inorganic

terminal electron acceptor is not available or because they lack an electron transport chain.

V.        Catabolism of organic compounds other than glucose

A.   Hydrolytic enzymes break down macromolecules into their respective subunits.

B.   Polysaccharides

1.     Amylases digest starch, releasing glucose subunits.

2.     Cellulases degrade cellulose.

3.     The sugar subunits can enter glycolysis to be oxidized to pyruvate.

C.    Lipids

1.     Fats are hydrolyzed by lipase, releasing glycerol and fatty acids.

2.     Glycerol is converted to the precursor metabolite glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate; fatty

acids are degraded by beta-oxidation, generating reducing power and the precursor

metabolite acetyl-CoA.

D.   Proteins

1.     Proteins are hydrolyzed by proteases.

2.     Deamination removes the amino group; the remaining carbon skeleton is then

converted into the appropriate precursor molecule.

VI.      Chemolithotrophs are autotrophs; they do not require an external source of organic carbon because they can fix carbon dioxide.

VII.     Phototrophs harvest the energy of sunlight and use it to drive the synthesis of ATP.

A.   The role ofphotosynthetic pigments

1.    Chlorophylls are the primary pigments used to harvest solar energy.

2.    Carotenoids are accessory pigments that absorb wavelengths of light not absorbed by

the chlorophylls and then transfer that energy to the chlorophylls.

B.     Photophosphorylation—light energy excites an electron, which is passed along an electron transport chain, generating proton motive force.

C.     Electron source

1.     Oxygenic phototrophs extract electrons from water.

2.     Anoxygenic phototrophs extract electrons from reduced compounds other than water.


VIII.    Carbon fixation—Calvin cycle is used to incorporate 002 into organic carbon.

IX.      Anabolic pathways—synthesizing subunits from precursor molecules

A.   Amino acid synthesis

B.   Nucleotide synthesis


Terms You Should Know


Activation energy

Active site

Aerobic respiration

Allosteric site


Anaerobic respiration



Chemiosmotic theory







Competitive inhibition

Electron carrier

Electron donor

End product



Energy source

Entner-Doudoroff pathway



Enzyme-substrate complex


Feedback inhibition


Free energy



Kinetic energy

Metabolic pathway


Non-competitive inhibition

Oxidation-reduction reactions

Oxidative phosphorylation

Pentose phosphate pathway




Potential energy

Precursor metabolites




Substrate level phosphorylation

Terminal electron acceptor

Transition step

Tricarboxylic acid cycle




Chapter 11  The Diversity of Prokaryotic




This chapter presents a survey of the prokaryotic microorganisms with an emphasis on 1) patterns of

metabolism and 2) ecophysiology. These organisms are extremely diverse and exist under a great

variety of conditions. Some of these organisms are beneficial to human life, others have no direct effect

and still others cause disease.


Learning Objectives

After studying the material in this chapter, you should be able to:

1.   Define




2.  List the types ofprokaryotic microorganisms that are found in the following groups:

  Anaerobic chemolithotrophs

  Anaerobic chemoorganotrophs—anaerobic respiration

  Anaerobic chemoorganotrophs—fermentative

3.   Define:

  Anoxygenic phototrophs

  Oxygenic phototrophs

4.  List and describe the types of prokaryotic microorganisms that are found the in the following


  Anoxygenic phototrophs

  Oxygenic phototrophs

5.  Define:

  Aerobic chemolithotrophs

  Aerobic chemoheterotrophs

6.  List and describe the kinds of microorganisms included in

  Aerobic chemolithotrophs

  Aerobic chemoheterotrophs

7.   List the kinds of bacteria that:

  Form endospores

  Produce cysts

  Produce fruiting bodies

  Form conidia at the end of hyphae

8.   List and describe the kinds of prokaryotic microorganisms that live in an aquatic environment.

9.  List and describe the kinds of prokaryotic microorganisms that use animals as their habitat.

10. List and describe the kinds of prokaryotic microorganisms that live under extreme conditions.


Key Concepts

1.   Prokaryotic organisms are extremely diverse and live under a wide variety of conditions.

2.   Some prokaryotic organisms can derive energy from the oxidation of compounds (chemotrophs)

while others derive energy from sunlight (phototrophs).

3.  Chemotrophs can be divided into two groups: those that obtain energy by oxidizing organic

chemicals (chemoorganotrophs) and those that obtain energy by oxidizing inorganic compounds


4.  Methanogens oxidize hydrogen gas, using C02 as a terminal electron acceptor, to generate methane.

5.   Sulfur- and sulfate-reducing bacteria oxidize organic compounds, with sulfur compounds serving as

terminal electron acceptors, to generate hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

6.  The lactic acid bacteria oxidize organic compounds, with an organic compound serving as a

terminal electron acceptor.

7.   Phototrophs harvest energy from sunlight and can be divided into two groups: anoxygenic and

oxygenic. Anoxygenic phototrophs, unlike oxygenic phototrophs, do not generate oxygen because

they do not use water as a source of electrons.

8.   Obligate aerobes can generate energy only through aerobic respiration. Facultative anaerobes prefer

to use aerobic respiration to generate energy, but can use fermentative metabolism if oxygen is


9.   Bacillus and Clostridium species produce endospores. These dormant forms are very resistant to

heat and drying and enable these bacteria to survive adverse conditions.

10. Agrobacterium and Rhizobium derive nutrients from plants, although the former are plant pathogens

and the latter benefit the plant.

11. Prokaryotic microorganisms have a variety of mechanisms that help them to live in aquatic habitats.

These include production of sheaths; production of prosthecae, which are extensions that maximize

the absorptive surface area; bioluminescence; preying upon other bacteria; using unusual methods

of locomotion such as axial filaments or magnetic crystals to move to more desirable locations; and

storage granules.

12. Some prokaryotic organisms use animals, including humans, as their habitat; these include

Staphylococcus species, that live under dry, salty conditions; Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium species,

Campylobacter species and Helicobacter species that live in the gastrointestinal tract; Neisseria

species, mycoplasma and spirochetes that inhabit other mucous membranes; and Rickettsia,

Orientia, Ehrlichia, Coxiella and Chlamydia species which are obligate intracellular parasites.

13. Archaea inhabit extreme environments that include conditions of excess salinity, heat, acidity and



Summary Outline

I.        Metabolic diversity

A.   Anaerobic chemoorganotrophs—anaerobic respiration

1.      Chemoorganotrophs oxidize organic compounds to obtain energy.

2.     Anaerobes use a terminal electron acceptor other than 02.

B.    Anaerobic chemoorganotrophs—fermentation

1.    The end products of fermentation include a variety of acids and gases that are

generally characteristic for a given species.

2.        Clostridium species are Gram-positive rods

3.        The lactic acid bacteria are a group of Gram-positive organisms that produce lactic acid as their primary fermentation end-products.

4.        Propionibacterium species are Gram-positive pleiomorphic rods that produce

propionic acid as their primary fermentation end product.

C.    Anoxygenic phototrophs

1.      Phylogenetically diverse group of bacteria that harvest the energy of sunlight, using

photosynthesis to synthesize organic materials.

2.     The purple bacteria

a)    The purple bacteria are Gram-negative organisms that appear red, orange or

purple; the photosynthetic apparatus is contained within the cytoplasmic


b)    The purple sulfur bacteria preferentially use sulfur as a source of reducing


c)    The purple nonsulfur bacteria preferentially use organic molecules as a

source of reducing power.

3.     The green bacteria

a)    The green bacteria are Gram-negative organisms that are typically green or

brownish in color. Their light harvesting pigments are located in structures

called chlorosomes.

b)    The green sulfur bacteria use hydrogen sulfide as a source of reducing


c)    The green nonsulfur bacteria are characterized by their filamentous growth;

metabolically, they resemble the purple nonsulfur bacteria.

4.     Other anoxygenic phototrophs include a Gram-positive rod that forms endospores.

D.   Oxygenic phototrophs

1.      The cyanobacteria are a diverse group of Gram-negative bacteria that are essential

primary producers; unlike eukaryotic photosynthesizers, they can fix nitrogen.

2.     Genetic evidence indicates that chloroplasts of plants and algae evolved from a

species of cyanobacteria.

3.     Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria provide an available source of both carbon and


4.     Filamentous cyanobacteria may be involved in maintaining the structure and

productivity of some soils.

5.     Some species of cyanobacteria produce toxins that can be deadly to animals that

ingest heavily contaminated water.

E.    Aerobic chemolithotrophs

1.      Aerobic chemolithotrophs generate energy by oxidizing reduced inorganic

compounds using 02 as a terminal electron acceptor.

2.     Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria are Gram-negative rods or spirals, sometimes growing

in filaments.

3.     The filamentous sulfur-oxidizers Beggiatoa and Thiothrix live in sulfur springs,

sewage-polluted waters, and on the surface of marine and freshwater sediments.

F.    Nitrifiers—Ammonia oxidizers convert ammonia to nitrite and include Nitrosomonas and

Nitrosococcus, nitrite oxidizers oxidize nitrite to nitrate and include Nitrobacter and


G.   Hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria are thermophilic bacteria that are thought to be among the

earliest bacterial forms.

H.   Aerobic chemoorganotrophs oxidize organic compounds for energy using 02 as a

terminal electron acceptor.

1.      Obligate aerobes generate energy exclusively by respiration.

  a)    Micrococcus species are Gram-positive cocci found in soil and on dust

particles, inanimate objects, and skin.

b)    Mycobacterium species are acid-fast.

c)     Pseudomonas species are Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria that are

widespread in nature and have extremely diverse metabolic capabilities.

d)    Thermus aquaticus is the source of Taq polymerase, which is an essential

component in the polymerase chain reaction.

e)    Deinococcus radiodurans can survive high doses of gamma radiation.

2.     Facultative anaerobes

a)     Corynebacteium species are Gram-positive pleiomorphic rod-shaped

organisms that commonly inhabit the soil, water and the surface of plants.

3.     Members of the family Enterobacteriaceae are Gram-negative rods that typically

inhabit the intestinal tract of animals, although some reside in rich soil. Enterics that

ferment lactose are included in the group called coliforms and are used as indicators

of fecal pollution.