Example test questions: Biogeography

Multiple choice

  1. In terms of animal movement, a _______________ allows mammals to move freely between areas, whereas a ______________ is the result of a freak occurrence.
  2. The Bering land bridge allowed for faunal interchange between which regions?

Short answer

  1. Name and describe three types of biotic processes that account for the distribution of mammals. Give an example of dispersal across each type. Your example can be real or hypothetical, and should consist of a description of the type of barrier and how your chosen species crossed it.
  2. What processes account for the patterns we see today in the global distribution of mammals? Your answer should incorporate vicariance, convergence, continental drift, corridor routes, filter routes, and sweepstakes routes.
  3. What accounts for the patterns we see today in the distribution of mammals on the island of Madagascar vs. the African continent??
  4. Distinguish between individual dispersal, migration, and faunal interchange. How are they similar? How are they distinct?