Principles of Genetics  (BSCI 222), Spring 2006 ( )


Instructor: Dr. Charles B. Fenster, Biology/Psychology Bldg. Rm. 3210,

Office Hours: by appointment, and open Òoffice hoursÓ on Thursdays 4-5 PM, Room: BPS 3210

Teaching Assistants: Silvana Marten-Rodriguez, Peter Thompson, Sarah Kingston, Kevin Barry.


Textbook: Genetics, From Genes to Genomes, Hartwell et al., McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., and Study Guide/Solutions Manual



Exams: There will be three 1 hr and 15 minute exams during the semester, each worth 110 points, and a final 4th exam during the Final Exam Period, worth 170 points. The final exam will be 110 points on the lecture material since the third exam and 60 points cumulative. The best exam score of your three 1 hr and 15 minute exams will be multiplied by 1.50, the lowest by 0.50. Total Exam Grade: 500 pts.


Discussion: Grade is based on quizzes (Best 7/8, each quiz 20 points = 140 points). Homework is assigned for you to learn the material. You are encouraged to work together to understand the homework problems. You will not be graded on the homework assignments, though the tests and quizzes will be similar to the homework. In addition, there will be 3 reports, each < 5 pages (typed, Font = 12, double space) paper that discusses 1 or 2 genetics topics that is covered by the popular press (e.g., human cloning), and reflects what you have been introduced to in class. Your grade will reflect your ability to integrate what you have learned in class in terms of your understanding of the issues/techniques discussed in the article (see example). Your first report will be worth 10 pts, the second 20 pts and the final will be worth 30 points. Reports are to be turned in to your TA at the beginning of section the week they are due.

Total Discussion Grade = 200 pts

Total Points = 700 points

You can earn X-tra credit by turning in relevant questions to the exam review sessions (1-3 pts/exam). Questions for the review must be turned in by Wednesday noon prior to the exam. Questions must be typed or hand-printed (clearly), but must be turned in via hard copy, and only placed in my mailbox in Rm: 1210 Biology/Psychology Bldg.  Total opportunity for X-tra credit = 12 points. Also, rarely, if a question arises in class you can turn in a report addressing that question (with my permission) for approximately 5 pts.

Exams and quizzes will consist of definitions, problems, short answer questions and multiple-choice questions and will come exclusively from lecture material. Lectures will mirror the textbook.


Assignment of Grading:

670-700 A+

639-669 A

627-638 A-

597-626 B+

567-596 B

539-566 B-

511-538 C+

469-510 C

427-468 C-

400-426 D+

380-399 D

360-379 D-

< 360 is a Failure

Some important points:


Lectures start promptly at 12:30 and continue until 1:45. You should arrive early and stay for the full duration of the lecture. When it is necessary for you to leave early please sit at the end of a row near a door and leave quietly. Please be considerate when leaving.


Discussion Sections will not meet the first week of classes. It is your responsibility to arrive on time and stay for the full length of the discussion.  If you are more than 10 minutes late or leave early this will be counted as an absence and you may forfeit quiz or attendance points. If you miss a discussion section for a valid reason you may make up the session that week.  Details will be given out in discussion. In discussion section we will go over the homework assignment, review key topics for the lectures, address questions by the students, quiz the students, in that order. We will also try to discuss current events in a genetic context.


Quizzes/Examinations. If you feel we have made a grading error you must submit a written request to the TA on the day the test is returned to you in Discussion Section.  In your request explain why you believe you should receive additional points. Examinations must be taken at the scheduled time.  If you miss an exam you need to submit to Dr. Fenster As Soon As Possible a makeup exam request form with documentation of a valid excuse, e. g., religious holiday, illness, death in the family, etc.  All medically related excuses must be documented by the campus health center and reflect a serious or extended health problem. Simply being ill the night before the test is generally not a sufficient condition. Please refer to your course catalogue or the current schedule of classes for a description of the University's policies on excused absences and makeup examinations (also known as assessments). If you will miss an exam because of an official University event you must provide appropriate documentation prior to the examination date. It is always better to be proactive and notify us if you cannot take a scheduled exam for valid reasons. We will attempt to provide exams in advance to those students who cannot attend exams because of official University events.


HELP. The teaching assistants and I will try to help you in any way possible. You can meet with Dr. Fenster by scheduling an appointment by emailing ( Immediately after lecture is a good time to have questions addressed. Dr. Fenster will also have office hours from 4-5 PM on Thursdays in his office at 3210 in Biology/Psychology Bldg. Your discussion section TA will also have office hours. Their office hours will be announced during the first week of discussion. If you do have questions, it is best to write them down in advance.


Tips for Success: Do as many problems as possible. Concentrate your efforts on understanding the Key points/concepts that will be stressed. Study groups are a great way to efficiently learn genetics. Genetics is problem and fact oriented. There is no substitute to studying with pencil and paper and attempting to answering the questions on your own. If you have any problems, don't hesitate to ask for help!! Genetics requires much more study time than most biology courses. Plan to study at least 4 hours for every hour of lecture. Attend all lectures and discussion sections.


Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. The Code of Academic Integrity is laid out in the undergraduate catalog and in the schedule of classes. We encourage students to work together in most phases of the course BUT WE EXPECT THE QUIZES, EXAMS & PAPERS TO REFLECT ONLY YOUR OWN WORK. Thus, ÒThe University of Maryland, College Park has a nationally recognized Code of Academic Integrity, administered by the Student Honor Council. This Code sets standards for academic integrity at Maryland for all undergraduate and graduate students.  As a student you are responsible for upholding these standards for this course.  It is very important for you to be aware of the consequences of cheating, fabrication, facilitation, and plagiarism. For more information on the Code of Academic Integrity or the Student Honor Council, please visit"