BSCI 124
Sample Questions, First Examination

There are fifty questions - each worth two points. Multiple choice - Record the best answer. Record your answers in the blank spaces to the left of the question number using CAPITAL letters.

_____1. Science is different from art, philosophy, and religion because scientific principles are (A) always correct (B) verified (C) biased (D) filled with emotion

_____2. One way carbon leaves the biosphere is by (A) photosynthesis (B) fixation (C) respiration (D) all of these

_____3. Prokaryotic cells lack (A) a plasma membrane (B) DNA (C) organelles (D) cytosol

_____4. In most plants, the primary organ for photosynthesis is the (A) leaf (B) stem (C) root (D) wood

_____5. When discussing the energy flow and food chains, what is an example of a producer? (A) lions (B) the earth (C) cows (D) grass

_____6. This organelle stores compounds that may include sugars, salts, or pigments. (A) golgi apparatus (B) endoplasmic reticulum (C) nucleus (D) vacuole

_____7. The purpose of meiosis it to produce (A) growth (B) epidermal cells (C) gametes (D) xylem

_____8. Bones support animals. What supports plants? (A) cell walls (B) muscles (C) also bones (D) plasma membranes

_____9. Which of the following is NOT a component of a nucleotide (A) phosphate (B) lipid (C) sugar (D) organic base

_____10. The major site of protein synthesis is the (A) nucleolus (B) ribosome (C) plasma membrane (D) chloroplast

_____11. The biosphere includes (A) the atmosphere (B) the oceans (C) the organisms (D) all of these

_____12. Carbohydrates have a lot of energy because they have a lot of (A) carbon-hydrogen bonds (B) glycerol (C) phosphate atoms (D) oil

_____13. Science can best be described as (A) a technique (B) all knowledge (C) not using data (D) lacking experimentation

_____14. The site of plant cell reproduction in the root is the (A) xylem (B) meristem (C) root hair (D) root cap

_____15. If you have been eating too much fat, your blood may have high levels of (A) polysaccharides (B) triglycerides (C) monosaccharides (D) sugar

_____16. Electrons lost from the photosynthetic pigments through photosynthesis are replaced by the breakdown of (A) carbon dioxide (B) water (C) ATP (D) NADPH2

_____17. The site of cellular respiration is the (A) golgi apparatus (B) nucleolus (C) mitochondrian (D) endoplasmic reticulum

_____18. The purpose of the DNA master plan is to produce (A) glucose (B) lipids (C) proteins (D) starch

_____19. Which of the following is NOT true about living organisms. (A) they grow and develop (B) they respond to stimuli (C) they reproduce (D) they create their own energy

_____20. For protein synthesis, the DNA message must first be transcribed. What molecule does this? (A) transfer RNA (B) ribosome RNA (C) messenger RNA (D) amino acid

_____21. The cellular contents circulates because of (A) gravity (B) microtubules (C) transpiration (D) osmosis

_____22. Waxes, certain vitamins, and chlorophyll are made of (A) proteins (B) carbohydrates (C) lipids (D) nucleic acids

_____23. The purple (P) flower color of a plant is dominant over the white (p) color. The phenotypic ratio of the offspring due to random assortment is 4 purple, 0 white. What are the possible genotypes of the parents? (A) PP, PP (B) PP, pp (C) Pp, Pp (D) any of these

_____24. After mitosis, what is the relationship between the mother cell and the resulting daughter cell? (A) the mother is diploid and the daughter is haploid (B) the mother is haploid and the daughter is diploid (C) they are identical (D) they are different

_____25. The important way nitrogen enters the biosphere is by (A) respiration (B) decomposition (C) photosynthesis (D) fixation by bacteria

_____26. DNA duplication occurs in (A) metaphase (B) anaphase (C) telophase (D) interphase

_____27. The division of the cell's cytoplasm is called (A) mitosis (B) interphase (C) cytokinesis (D) prophase

_____28. The actual source of energy in the biosphere comes from (A) heat (B) UV radiation (C) gravity (D) photons

_____29. What happens in Anaphase I of meiosis? (A) The sister chromatids separate. (B) The cell goes from the diploid to the haploid condition. (C) The DNA duplicates. (D) The chromosomes line up along the equator.

_____30. What is a characteristic of lipids? (A) they are the primary compound in the cell wall (B) they are the transport form of sugar (C) they make up RNA (D) they won't dissolve in water

_____31. A codon will match with a specific (A) amino acid (B) lipid (C) cell type (D) carbohydrate

_____32. The plant cell wall is primarily composed of (A) living cells (B) lipid (C) cytosol (D) carbohydrates

_____33. These chromosomes are alike. (A) heterozygous (B) dominant and recessive (C) homologous (D) all of these

_____34. The purpose of sexual reproduction is to (A) produce variable offspring (B) produce new cells for growth (C) duplicate nuclei (D) duplicate prokaryotic organisms

_____35. In mitosis, the sister chromatids are pulled apart by (A) spindle fibers (B) cytokinesis (C) chromosomes (D) cytoplasmic streaming

_____36. In a plant, the tall characteristic (T) is dominant over the short (t). In a monohybrid cross, two tall plants produce 3 tall and 1 short offspring. What are the genotypes of the parents? (A) TT, tt (B) TT, Tt (C) Tt, Tt (D) tt, tt

_____37. Products of the light reaction of photosynthesis are (A) high energy molecules (B) sugars (C) water (D) carbon dioxide

_____38. Water moves through a plant because of (A) a water pump in the roots (B) a water pump in the stem (C) evaporation from the leaves (D) evaporation from the roots

_____39. The energy used during photosynthesis to form the bonds in glucose comes from (A) ATP and NADPH2 (B) H2O (C) CO2 (D) N2

_____40. Having two complete sets of chromosomes. (A) egg (B) haploid (C) sperm (D) diploid

_____41. The trait that is masked in the heterozygous condition is (A) a phenotype (B) dominant (C) a tall pea plant (D) recessive

_____42. With incomplete dominance, when a red flowered plant is crossed with a white flowered plant, the offspring will be (A) red (B) pink (C) white (D) all of these

_____43. In respiration, the energy from sugar molecules is transferred to (A) photosynthetic pigments (B) ATP (C) carbon dioxide (D) oxygen

_____44. If a photon's wavelength is increased, its energy will (A) increase (B) stay the same (C) decrease (D) all of these

Matching - match the plant structure with its primary function (use capital letters)

_____45. Stomates         A. protective tissue

_____46. Cuticle             B. food transport

_____47. Phloem            C. gas exchange

_____48. Epidermis         D. storage

_____49. Cortex              E. water transport

_____50. Xylem               F. prevents excessive evaporation

ANSWERS: 1-B, 2-C, 3-C, 4-A, 5-D, 6-D, 7-C, 8-A, 9-B, 10-B, 11-C, 12-A, 13-A, 14-B, 15-B, 16-B, 17-C, 18-C, 19-D, 20-C, 21-B, 22-C, 23-D (see note below), 24-C, 25-D, 26-D, 27-C, 28-D, 29-B, 30-D, 31-A, 32-D, 33-C, 34-A, 35-A, 36-C, 37-A, 38-C, 39-A, 40-D, 41-D, 42-B, 43-B, 44-C, 45-C, 46-F, 47-B, 48-A, 49-D, 50-E

Question 23 -descriptions of possible answers: answer A - all offspring PP, purple; answer B - all offspring Pp, purple; answer C - typical offspring ratio is PP, 2Pp, pp or 3 purple to 1 white based on probabilities - but random assortment could also produce offspring that are 2 purple and 2 white, 1 purple and 3 white, all purple, or all white. Therefore, the correct answer to this question is D - any of these.

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