BSCI 124
Sample Exam 2 (Lectures 12-22)

Multiple choice - Record the best answer. Record your answers in the blank spaces to the left of the question number using CAPITAL letters.

_____1. In the evolution film, when Smith was blasting his way through England creating canals, what did he discover? (A) fossils (B) different beetles (C) variations in plants (D) variations in living animals

_____2. In the flowering plant flower, which of the following is in the correct order from outside to inside? (A) ovary, ovule, megasporangium, female gametophyte, egg (B) ovule, megasporangium, ovary, female gametophyte, egg (C) female gametophyte, ovary, megasporangium, egg, ovule (D) ovule, megasporangium, ovary, egg, female gametophyte,

_____3. In the flowering plant pollen, one sperm nucleus fertilizes the egg and the other sperm nucleus fertilizes the (A) pollen tube. (B) cotyledons. (C) zygote. (D) polar nuclei.

_____4. What is the purpose of flower petals? (A) to attract pollinators (B) to disperse the seeds (C) to distribute pollen (D) all of these

_____5. You are a Homo sapien, a human being. The word sapien is the (A) common name.
(B) genus. (C) specific epithet. (D) kingdom.

_____6. The oldest and tallest individual organisms currently living on this planet are (A) elephants. (B) gymnosperms. (C) ferns. (D) brown algae.

_____7. Dandelion plumes permit seeds to blow through the air. The plumes are a type of
(A) spindle fibers (B) microtubules (C) fruit (D) leaf

_____8. Ferns are vascular plants. Why must they live in the same habitat as the non-vascular bryophytes? (A) They have spores. (B) They lack a cuticle. (C) They have naked sperm. (D)
They have a dominant gametophyte generation.

_____9. Which of the following is true? The food in the gymnosperm seeds is 1 and the food in the flowering plant seed is 2 . (A) 1-triploid, 2-diploid (B) 1-triploid, 2-haploid (C) 1-haploid, 2-triploid (D) 1-diploid, 2- triploid

_____10. Algae must live in a damp habitat because they lack (A) cell walls. (B) a cuticle.
(C) photosynthetic pigments. (D) all of these

_____11. A pollen grain is a (A) male gametophyte. (B) seed. (C) spore. (D) fruiting body.

_____12. You rarely find gymnosperms in the desert due to the structure of their (A) xylem
(B) phloem (C) bark (D) leaves

_____13. Where is the active xylem in the wood of a living tree? (A) In the outside wood.
(B) In the middle wood. (C) All the wood is active.

_____14. If you are grossing-out your neighbors due to the expulsion of stinky methane gas, you can thank (A) fungi. (B) algae. (C) archeabacteria. (D) bryophytes.

_____15. Bat wings, whale flippers, and horse legs are examples of (A) vestigial organs.
(B) analogous organs (C) Hammond organs (D) homologous organs

_____16. In the film about Darwinian evolution, you learned that the ideas of Heckle on "survival of the fittest" were used by (A) Wallace to explain variation in beetles. (B) Darwin to explain natural selection. (C) Hitler to justify the holocaust. (D) Browning to explain that those who come to class do better on exams.

_____17. The pineapple is a multiple fruit, one that comes from (A) several plants.
(B) several flowers. (C) several ovaries in one flower. (D) any of these.

_____18. What fungi and bryophytes do NOT have in common: (A) The dominant generations are haploid. (B) They are non-vascular (C) They photosynthesize. (D) They have cell walls.

_____19. In seed plants, how does the sperm nucleus get to the egg? (A) swims from the archegonia to the antheridia (B) a tube (C) swims from the antheridia to the archegonia (D) it doesn't

_____20. In the gymnosperms, what happens to the megasporangium? (A) The embryo consumes it. (B) It becomes the seed coat. (C) It becomes the endosperm. (D) It becomes the cotyledons.

_____21. When Darwin studied domestic pigeons, he discovered that new varieties could quickly be created by (A) natural selection. (B) artificial selection. (C) evolution. (D) all of these

_____22. In plants, spores are formed by 1 , whereas gametes are formed by 2 .
(A) 1-meiosis, 2-mitosis (B) 1-fission, 2-fusion (C)1-meiosis, 2-meiosis (D) 1-mitosis, 2-mitosis

_____23. Some of these get their energy from the oxidation of organic compounds with sulfur.
(A) fungi (B) archaebacteria (C) red algae (D) viruses

_____24. The green leafy fern plants are (A) sporophytes. (B) haploid. (C) gametophytes.
(D) non-vascular.

_____25. Which of the following is a necessary adaptation for a plant living on land?
(A) naked sperm (B) multicellular gametangia (C) sexual reproduction (D) alternation of generations

_____26. In gymnosperms, the vascular cambium produces the (A) cortex. (B) epidermis.
(C) wood. (D) leaves.

_____27. The fruit where the pericarp layers are all soft is called a (A) berry. (B) pome.
(C) multiple fruit. (D) accessory fruit.

_____28. Peat, which is used as a fuel and enhances soil, is formed from (A) fungi.
(B) gymnosperms. (C) bryophytes. (D) bacteria.

_____29. An example of mimicry used for pollination is flowers that look like (A) female wasps.
(B) moths. (B) birds. (D) butterflies.

_____30. The fungal fruiting body produces (A) seeds. (B) gametes. (C) flowers. (D) spores.

_____31. A red flower with no aroma is probably pollinated by (A) mice. (B) bees. (C) birds.
(D) the wind.

_____32. In mosses, the gametophyte is (A) the dominant generation. (B) dependent on the sporophyte. (C) independent from the sporophyte. (D) all of these

_____33. In order to disperse seeds, flowering plants evolved the (A) cone. (B) spore.
(C) endosperm. (D) fruit.

_____34. Oil, natural gas, and coal came primarily from ancient (A) fungi. (B) flowering plants.
(C) ferns (D) algae.

_____35. What type of nuclear division in plants forms gametes from the gametophyte? (A) mitosis (B) fission (C) meiosis (D) all of these

_____36. The ground squirrel example noting brown fur in typical locations, white fur in the White Sands, and black fur in the black lava flow illustrates (A) different species. (B) the fur trade.
(C) variations in the diet. (D) natural selection.

_____37. The hyphae that make up a fungus are (A) photosynthetic. (B) haploid. (C) diploid.
(D) plants.

_____38. The fruit of a strawberry is an accessory fruit, meaning it comes from (A) the pericarp.
(B) a source other than the ovary wall. (C) the endocarp. (D) the ovary wall.

_____39. In monocots the seed food is the endosperm. In dicot seeds, the seed food is the
(A) cortex. (B) also the endosperm. (C) fruit. (D) cotyledons.

_____40. Yeast is valuable because it helps make bread and beer. Yeast is (A) a virus.
(B) bacteria. (C) a fungus. (D) a plant. Matching - Record your answers in the blank spaces to the left of the question number using CAPITAL letters. Some answers will be used more than once.

Answers (A) bacteria (B) fungi (C) dinoflagellates (D) virus (E) red algae (F) green algae

_____41. Consists of a protein coat and a nucleic acid.

_____42. Used to make tooth paste thickener carrageenan.

_____43. Causes athlete's foot.

_____44. Red tide, Pfiesteria

_____45. Nitrogen fixers.

_____46. Causes herpes, hepatitis, rabies, and influenza.

_____47. Helps provide oxygen to animals in lakes and ponds.

_____48. Assimilate their nutrition.

_____49. Causes cholera, gonorrhea, and botulism.

_____50. The probable ancestors to the plants.

Exam Answers: 1-A, 2-A, 3-D, 4-A, 5-C, 6-B, 7-C, 8-C, 9-C, 10-B, 11-A, 12-A, 13-A, 14-C, 15-D, 16-C, 17-B, 18-C, 19-B, 20-B, 21-B, 22-A, 23-B, 24-A, 25-B, 26-C, 27-A, 28-C, 29-A, 30-D, 31-C, 32-A, 33-D, 34-C, 35-A, 36-D, 37-B, 38-B, 39-D, 40-C, 41-D, 42-E, 43-B, 44-C, 45-A, 46-D, 47-F, 48-B, 49-A, 50-F

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