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Arabidopsis Thaliana Mapping Survey Form

To complete the survey, please complete the
form below and click on the "submit" button.

Dear Arabidopsis researchers,

We are exploring the possibility of providing a mapping and map-based cloning service for the Arabidopsis community.  Users would provide leaf imprints of 96 (or multiples of 96) F2 plants from a mapping population.  The service would return a map position within ~120 KB and would identify informative recombinants.  The service would be nonprofit and could be supported or supplemented by research grants.  Personal information provided in response to this questionnaire will not be made public.

Thank you very much for your time!   

Zhongchi Liu (zliu@umd.edu) and Steve Mount  (smount@umd.edu)

Dept. of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20817


Section A: information about you
Your Name:
PI Name:
Your Title:
Your Institution:

Section B: Your experiences with map-based cloning

Have you performed or are you currently performing chemical or physical (such as EMS, x-ray)-based mutant screen?


Yes          No

Are you planning to perform a mutagenesis using chemical or physical mutagen?


Yes          No

Have you completed map-based cloning before?

Yes          No

Time spent in cloning the gene :

Estimation of man-months (people x percent effort x time on project):

Estimation of total material cost per gene:


Are you cloning a gene now?

Yes          No

If yes, time spent on it thus far?


Are there map-based cloning projects that you would be carrying out if such a resource were available?:
Yes          No

Section C: Any need for a mapping resource/facility

Will you be interested in using a mapping facility?


Yes          No
How many genes would you map and clone in the next 2-3 years if such a facility were available?


How fast a turn-around time is acceptable?


If other, please specify:


How much will you be willing to pay for such a service?


In what ecotype (accession) will your mutations be generated?


Contact information (including email address):


Other Comments:
Copyright © 2005 by Raju Shah at CBMG and the University of Maryland, All Rights Reserved

 We are exploring confidentiality at the highest level with available resources.