BSCI 124 - SECTION 2001

Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics

Stimulating Beverages

    I. Caffeine
        A. Where does it come from?
            1. Caffeine comes from certain plant seeds and young new leaves
        B. Physiological effects
            1. What is it?
                a)    is a stimulant: alkaloid
            2. Why would a plant need caffeine?
            3. Why do we like to drink caffeinated beverages?
            4. Why is it bad for me?

    II. Coffee (Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta)
        A. Origin: Africa (Ethiopia)
        B. Is a small tree. Main types:
            1. C. arabica: high cool altitudes; better quality
            2. C. robusta: low warm altitudes; harsher quality, but more disease resistant
        C. Alkaloid stimulant: caffeine
        D. Processing:
            1. Small fruit contains two seeds (‘beans’) covered by pulp.  Harvested by hand.
            2. Fermented to remove pulp
            3. Dried and roasted: produces the flavor
            4. Decaffeinated while bean is green

    III. Tea (Camellia sinensis)
        A. Origin: China
        B. Youngest leaves at stem tips are used
        C. Alkaloid stimulant: caffeine and theophylline
        D. Processing:
            1. Black tea:
            2. Green tea:
            3. Oolong tea:
        E. Aroma and flavor: oils and tannins

    IV. Cocoa or Cacao (Theobroma cacao)
        A. Source of cocoa and chocolate
        B. Origin:  Central America and Mexico
        C. Introduced to Spain by Cortes (1520’s); Spanish added sugar.
        D. Alkaloid stimulant: theobromine
        E. Processing:
            1. Fruit (pod) grows directly on tree trunk.
            2. Seeds (‘beans’) fermented to remove pulp and then dried.
            3. Seeds cracked open to release ‘nibs’ = the cotyledons.
            4. Nibs are ground to a paste.

    V. Cola tree (Cola acuminata)
        A. Origin: Africa.
        B. Extracts from seeds used to make coca cola beverages
        C. Seeds contain caffeine