BSCI 124 - SECTION 2001

Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics

    The Atmosphere and Global Changes in the Environment

    I. The structure of Earth’s atmosphere
        A. Define atmosphere
        B. Major atmospheric gases: nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbons) and methane.
        C. Five layers:
            1. Troposphere
            2. Stratosphere
            3. Mesosphere
            4. Thermosphere
            5. Exosphere

    II. Functions of the atmosphere

    III. Climate and Weather
        A. Climate = the long-term average pattern of local, regional, or global weather.
            1. climate is determined by both natural and human-made factors
        B. Weather = the current atmospheric conditions at a given place and time.
        C. Weather variations and seasons.
            1. why do we have seasons?
        D. Climate variability
            1. weather and climate are interrelated.
            2. studying past climates and climate changes helps us to better understand our current and future climates.
            3. techniques used to study past climates: pollen records, deep ice cores, and tree growth rings.

    IV. The greenhouse effect
        A. Greenhouse gases
            1. atmospheric gases called ‘greenhouse gases’ trap heat from the sun like the glass walls of a greenhouse.
            2. greenhouse gases: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and CFCs are all global insulators
        B. The greenhouse effect
            1. what exactly is the greenhouse effect?
            2. it is a naturally occurring process that allows Earth to be a relatively warm and habitable planet.
            3. humans are increasing the severity of the greenhouse effect, which is resulting in global warming.

    V. Global Warming
        A. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main greenhouse gas that is increasing at an alarming rate.
        B. CO2 levels are increasing and so is the average global temperature.
        C. Why is CO2 increasing in the atmosphere and where is it coming from?
        D. Causes of global warming
        E. Effects of global warming
        F. Solutions

    VI. The Ozone layer
        A. What is ozone (O3)?  What does it do?
        B. Why is the ozone layer thinning?
            1. Causes
            2. Effects
        C. Solutions